America (My Country ‘Tis of Thee)
Show your patriotism with this American classic by S.F. Smith! America (My Country ‘Tis of Thee) is often sung for badge ceremonies, official events, or events observing Memorial Day, Veterans Day, or Independence Day.
My coun-try , tis of thee, Sweet land of lib-er-ty, Of thee I sing.
Land where my fa-thers died; Land of the pil-grim’s pride;
From ev-‘ry moun-tain side, Let free-dom ring!My na-tive coun-try, thee, land of the no-ble free, Thy name I love.
I love they rocks and rills, They woods and tem-pled hills;
My heart with rap-ture thrills Like that a-bove.Let mu-sic swell the breeze, And ring from all he trees Sweet free-dom’s song.
Let mor-tal tongues a-wake; Let all that breathe par-take;
Let rocks their si-lence break, The sound pro-long.OurĀ fa-thers’ God, to Thee, Au-thor of lib-er-ty, To Thee we sing.
Long may our land be bright with free-dom’s ho-ly light;
Pro-tect us by Thy night, Great God, our King!
Buy the Girl Scout Pocket Songbook here for full sheet music.